"Måla med ljus"

Multireporter och opinionsbildare. Det som står i min blogg är mina högst privata tankar och åsikter.
Mikael Good
2014-06-23 09:08 "Måla med ljus"
All that is left of the ancient city Pergamum are worn and looted ruins. The main sites of Pergamum are to the north and west of the modern city of Bergama in Turkey. Even if the town was known for ... läs mer..

Läst 31718 ggr | 0 kommentarer.
Mikael Good
2014-04-05 12:15 "Måla med ljus"
Leica Camera AG shall soon release a budget prized camera with interchangeable lenses according to a very reliable source at the company. Leica has not given an exact date for the release of the new ... läs mer..

Läst 6541 ggr | 3 kommentarer.

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