"Måla med ljus"

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The sensor in my Leica M8 is broken…

My Leica M8 which is upgraded to M8.2 standard is my favorite camera. It works like a dream and the picture quality is stunning. Even if it´s just a 10 megapixel camera with a crop factor of 1.3 the picture quality is almost as good as my bulky fullframe 16,7 megapixel 1Ds Mark II. Leica M8 is really a cheap and good entry to those who prefer digital rangefinder cameras and you can find a second hand Leica M8 for around 1200 Euro (10.000 SEK).

The morning has broken at Mount Sinai.

The sad thing about it is that my M8 has one big disadvantage. The right corner of the sensor is broken (see the illustration below). I can still use the camera either if I crop the image to 4/3-format or if I use the clone stamp to clone away the affected area in the image. But I hope that I will be able to send the camera to the factory in Solms for repair in the future. I think that it will cost me nearly 700 Euro (6000 SEK) to fix the problem with the broken sensor. First I have to find me a job so that I can afford the repairment of the camera. 

In order to balance the sad news about the camera and because it´s FF (Funny Friday) today I will give you this funny video that will certainly cheer you up. Please remember to always be on time to The Mirrorless Party

Text and Photo: © Mikael Good, 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Added 2012-11-30 09:16 | Read 13917 times. | Permalink
Trist det där, inte billigt att få åtgärdat heller.
Jag är också rätt säker på att Leica gratis åtgärdat liknande problem som goodwill även när garantin gått ut. Räkna dock med att du är utan kamera i drygt en månad om du skickar den på "garantiservice".


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