"Måla med ljus"

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Concert Special - Switchfoot's first concert ever in Sweden

Like the nearly 3000 other persons in the Concert Arena called Skeppet at the Gullbranna Festival I was knocked to the floor by the power of the music and the exellent live performance of the band. 

The San Diego Band Switchfoot´s performance in Gullbranna might be the rock concert of the year in Sweden. I doubt that a rock concert can be much better than this. The Swedish band Soundtrack Of Our Lives are one of the best live band i've seen - Switchfoot is equally goodI hope that you can feel some of the atmosphere from the concert in my pictures of the band and the public.

Switchfoot is clearly a band for bigger venues. The only negative thing about the concert is that only 3000 persons were able to see the band and be part of this historical moment. Even if I'm sorry for all the music lovers who missed the concert I'm grateful that I was there and that I got one of my life's greatests concert experiences in the small village Gullbranna on the westcoast of Sweden.

If you shall book a main act for one of the major music festivals in Sweden next year. Book Switchfoot - That's a direct order.

Text and Photo: © Mikael Good, 2012. All rights reserved.

Added 2012-07-09 15:16 | Read 9138 times. | Permalink

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