"Måla med ljus"
Multireporter och opinionsbildare. Det som står i min blogg är mina högst privata tankar och åsikter.
2015-01-01 12:51 "Måla med ljus"
Roma (Gypsies) are the largest and most discriminated minority in Europe. Their level of education is lower than other Europeans. Their health is poorer, their unemployment rate is higher and their ... läs mer..
Läst 7935 ggr | 0 kommentarer.
Läst 7935 ggr | 0 kommentarer.
2014-03-22 14:49 "Måla med ljus"
Every picture tells a story. This is the story of this picture. The man come from Romania and he belongs to the roma (tigani) minority. He came to Sweden to get a job and earn money so that he could ... läs mer..
Läst 12257 ggr | 1 kommentarer.
Läst 12257 ggr | 1 kommentarer.